Accounting Services

Accounting Compliance

  • Annual Accounts in Xero
  • Rental Statements
  • Tax Returns
  • GST Returns
  • Payroll Service
  • Provisional tax and Terminal tax
  • Tax audit assistance

Book-keeping – accounting software coding, accounts payable (creditors), accounts receivable (debtors).

Cashflow Forecasting – Important for businesses to survive and thrive – startup business idea, buying a business, business lending or a 3-way cashflow forecast for businesses experiencing growth or wanting to grow.

Business Guidance, Advisory & Consultancy – revenue growth, succession plan, tax minimisation, business structure, analyse problems and provide solutions, cashflow management, improving net profits through cost efficiencies.

Software solutions – Xero and Xero add-ons. Specialist in cashflow forecasting software – Futrli, Fathom, Spotlight, Forecast 5 and Microsoft Excel.

Tax planning and advice

Book a time to discuss your needs further

Office System Service

I will plan and design a financial office system that is efficient and effective.

Implementation of the financial office system will be assisting you hire the right staff and training them.

Virtual Financial Controller Service

Why choose me to help? With years of business advisory experience and financial controller experience with a company from start up with continued growth, down to earth and a genuine strength to empower others to understand.

I am committed to your business growing whether you are a:

  • Start-up – with a vision to grow
  • Existing – wanting to grow
  • Existing – experiencing rapid growth

I will assist with your growth plan to help achieve your goals. I will ensure you have up to date financial information by creating a financial system that will assist you in making sound decisions to sustain business growth, survive and thrive.

This service is offered on a monthly or quarterly basis and includes the following:

  • Monthly / Quarterly management accounts (including consolidations)
  • 3-way cashflow forecasting – cashflow, profit & loss, balance sheet (and rolling forecasts)
  • Budgets – reporting actual to budget
  • Dashboards – Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Training and empowering appropriate staff
  • Annual compliance calendar
  • Monthly / Quarterly virtual meetings

Remember – Cashflow is King – the roadmap for good financial planning.

Call now Book now

Let’s talk.

Whether you have a start-up business idea, buying an existing business, have a small business wanting to grow or a business already experiencing growth or simply just want a forecast for a business loan, I am here to help.

Book a time to discuss your needs further or ring me.


027 906 0022


[email protected]

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